Mass effect redemption
Mass effect redemption

mass effect redemption mass effect redemption

I think it might come directly from the enormous success of the game. "It feels great! The quick success of issue #2 was really, surprisingly wonderful. Knowing that the first two issues of Mass Effect: Redemption have sold out and gone to a second printing shows that we've found a good market to tap." With so many new titles coming out, information is vital. Retailers have a very difficult job, ordering in advance. "It's a good feeling, because it comes directly from reader demand. Script write John Jackson Miller and artist Omar Francia talked with Comic Book Resources about Redemption's success.

mass effect redemption

And I hope the Dark Horse fans are equally excited to be introduced to our game in a brand new format." I hope the story we told in 'Redemption' lives up to their high expectations. "I love our fans.they're so passionate about the games we make and the stories we tell through them. Upon Mass Effect 2's release, and subsequent critical acclaim, the comics have been in even higher demand. Following Dark Horse's announcement of a second printing earlier this week, Mass Effect 2 lead writer Mac Walters, who penned the story for Mass Effect: Redemption, said he was "ecstatic" to hear about the consecutive sell-outs: The series aims to bridge the event of Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2. The four issue mini-series follows the exploits of Liara T'Soni, former SSV Normandy crew member, as she investigates Commander Shepard's disappearance. The second issue, released on February 3rd, sold out in six days. Mass Effect: Redemption #1, was released in early January, and sold out in three weeks.

Mass effect redemption